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I’ve been a practicing veterinarian, a public health researcher, and a medical writer. But through it all has been my love of books. Like you, I’ve always loved to read. And like you I’m sure, my tastes have changed over time from Jules Verne and Tolkien to Hemingway, Steven King, and Michael Crichton. Likewise, my writing has changed from consumer handbooks and website content to fast-paced thriller novels, which are a lot more fun.

Just as great chefs have distinctive styles, every good author has a distinguishing “voice” that both labels and defines their work. Read a couple of pages of Hemingway and you won’t have to be told that Papa cooked the bouillabaisse. My voice diverges a bit between novels and short stories. As a child of the Twilight Zone, my short fiction deals mostly with quirky situations and surprise endings, usually with a touch of humor to leaven the bread. My novels, on the other hand, start out with a thrilling roux of “what if,” then add two cups of violence, a tablespoon of humor, and a hefty dash of spicy sex. I hope you like what I’ve been cooking up for you.



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