Project Suicide

High-profile politicians are dying by their own hand. These aren’t aged bureaucrats breaking under the strain of political baggage, they’re rising stars whose stresses and scandals are still ahead of them. Only a few know the true cause, how a cure for Alzheimer’s was perverted into an assassin’s dream--and they’re not talking.

Aging wunderkind Deacon Creel is drawn back from drunken, self-imposed exile to resolve this crisis. Dr. Creel alone knows the antidote to this plague of suicides but is tormented by guilt for his part in releasing it upon the world--and for what it has cost him. Now, assisted by his quirky lesbian assistant and a female marine corpsman who’s a constant reminder of that cost, he must race against time to stop the carnage and thwart the nefarious goals of Project Suicide.

This tension-packed technothriller is now available from Amazon and other retailers.

Checkout time

You’re subjected to metal detectors and a body scan before boarding a plane but can check into a hotel toting a backpack nuke. That’s the premise behind Checkout Time, my new, fast-paced crime thriller.

Handsome scientist Thomas Tomacinski’s easy-going style has the ladies talking, but beautiful FBI agent Sally Butterworth doesn’t want to join the conversation. Not until they land in the same hotel where an extortion bomber known mysterious as Conrad Hilton sparks their romance with a bang. Conrad is looking to make a killing from a consortium of hotel owners -- and is not above killing to make a point.

It won’t be easy stopping Conrad, a genius with a method actor’s ability to assume new identities and personalities. And when this chameleon takes a special interest in Tom and those he cares about, nobody gets much sleep. Tom-tom and Sally Pancakes, as they are affectionately known, are led a merry chase through the scenic backroads of Kentucky and Tennessee, with more plot twists than a country lane. They fall in and out of danger while falling in and out of bed, learning tough lessons about love, loss, and themselves.

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